
Have a Question?

We are proud of the high level of knowledge and experience that our employees bring to their interactions with our customers. You can count on friendly, professional, and prompt help for all your electrical needs.

See if your question has been answered below in our Frequently Asked Questions. Or submit your question by filling out the form and we’ll get back to you right away.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my smoke detectors are working properly?

There are two key checks for your smoke detectors:

1) You can remove them and check the expiration date on the back. If they are expired, you should get them changed right away.

2) Press the test button on the smoke detector and they should activate the alarm. If it fails, then you should have them inspected and replace. But keep in mind, that this test does not check the smoke sensor in the unit. It could still be bad and not detect a fire.

Journey Electric provides a smoke detector/fire alarm inpsection that will verify the operation and safety of your system.

Why should I use a licensed and insured contractor?

Hiring a licensed contractor offers many additional protections to the property owner, especially regarding residential property. First of all, a contractor can not obtain a license without possessing a minimum amount of experience and must pass a business management test. The applicant also may be subjected to a criminal history background check, and must not have any unresolved contracting complaints outstanding. See http://www.azroc.gov/invest/why_hire_licensed.html for more information.

Do I need to get a permit from the city to have electrical work done?

You do not need a building permit for any repair or replacment of an existing electrical system. In general, permits are required when you change the structure or for major electrical changes like a service change out. See your local city building/planning dept for municpality specific requirements.

What are tamper resistent receptacles and should I have them?

The Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) has estimated that that 2,400 children each year suffer from severe electric shock or burns from sticking metal objects (keys, pins, etc) into electrical sockets. And that there are upwards to 12 fatalities a year! Tamper resistent receptacles are designed to prevent this through a clever mechanism that resists the insertiion of a foriegn object into one of the plug openings. As of 2008, the National Electrical Code (NEC) requires new homes and apartment buildings to be built with tamper resistant receptacles.

My lights will sometimes flicker, is there a way to fix this?

Yes, many light flicker problems can be resolved with expert diagnosis. And light flicker can be an indication of something severly wrong with your electrical system. Journey Electric electricians can diagnose the problem and define the solution to elimenate most issues and ensure a safe system.

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